comomail messenger for eBay
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comomail is a very useful and must-have application for each eBay seller. It is so important to give answers to eBay buyers' questions as soon as possible. Quick reply will help you to build your reputation as responsible, reliable and ready to help eBay seller. With comomail you will increase your sales giving information about your eBay items timely.Wherever you go you will always be in the swim of your buyers' problems and questions. comomail messaging application for eBay sellers automatically checks your message boxes for all eBay accounts, added to the application.
multiple eBay accounts support;
timeout for checking new message for all eBay accounts, added to the messaging application;
sound notification about new incoming messages;
template editor for messages;
grouped reply with one message to some similar questions;
quick reply to the messages within the app interface;
sort and arrange messages by folders;
settings for checking time out, notification melody
comomail Free limitations
supports one eBay seller account
Enjoy eBay selling and have only positive feedback!
Download .apk
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