воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

Shopping Basket apk free download

Shopping Basket


Download .apk

Manage your shopping lists

Feature Overview

- Multiple shopping lists, wishlist and storeroom

- Shopping list templates

- Text and speech input

- Send lists by e-mail

- Calculates current total of items while shopping

- Purchase history, offers a complete overview of past purchases

- Edit and shopping mode

- Assign shops to shopping lists

- Add shopping date to calendar

- Three different color themes available (dark, light and wallpaper)

The app doesn't provide a pre filled database of item names or brands. Instead by entering items in a shopping list your very own database will be filled automatically. So whenever you enter an item the second time you can usually choose the wanted item from a popup window after typing the first one or two characters. Even better if you checked an item off a shopping list previously its related data (price, brand, unit) can be filled in automatically the next time you add the item to a list by using the auto fill button next to the item name input field. After your usual shopping items are in the database entering items to a list becomes very convenient.

Additionally templates can be used to easily create shopping lists with all the default items included.

Download .apk

Not that he ever had a soothing singer, but Dylan 's voice has been in ruins while many of his last concerts, panting somewhere between Howlin 'Wolf 's growl and a tubercular. It is hard to to imagine what newcomers think Dylan music might like to hear this old rasp, but somehow fits the theme of this song. - Greg Kot, Chicago Tribune download Shopping Basket free android app .

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